Rockbuster Stealth Data Analysis

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Rockbuster Stealth Case study
Rockbuster Stealth
SQL, Tableau, PowerPoints
Rockbuster Stealth LLC, once a global leader in movie rentals, intends to introduce an online video rental platform to compete with streaming industry giants such as Netflix and Amazon Prime
We recommend the digital platform be first launched in markets where Rockbuster
already has an existing customer base, namely India, China and the United
States of America.
already has an existing customer base, namely India, China and the United
States of America.
To reduce costs on movie licenses, consider discontinuing current movies with
minimal or no rental history. This approach ensures a more efficient allocation
of resources by focusing on movies that have a higher rental demand.
minimal or no rental history. This approach ensures a more efficient allocation
of resources by focusing on movies that have a higher rental demand.